Moodle Learning management system

October 7, 2016

Learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting of training programs, classroom and online events, e-learning programs, and training content. A robust LMS should be able to do the following:

centralize and automate administration
use self-service and self-guided services
assemble and deliver learning content rapidly
consolidate training initiatives on a scalable web-based platform
support portability and standards
personalize content and enable knowledge reuse.

Moodle is a software package for producing Internet-based courses and web sites. It is a global development project designed to support a social constructionist framework of education.
Moodle is provided freely as Open Source software (under the GNU Public License).
Moodle can be installed on any computer that can run PHP, and can support an SQL type database (for example MySQL). It can be run on Windows and Mac operating systems and many flavors of linux (for example Red Hat or Debian GNU). There are many knowledgeable Moodle Partners to assist you, even host your Moodle site.

The Front page

  • The Front page of a Moodle site – the page you reach from your browser – usually includes information about the establishment itself and can be highly customized. (Note that it is also possible to lock the front page down so that all a user sees when they click on the Moodle URL is a log in screen.)
  • How users join a Moodle site depends on the establishment: they might be given logins; they might be allowed to make accounts themselves, or they might be signed in automatically from another system.

Inside Moodle

Moodle’s basic structure is organized around courses. These are basically pages or areas within Moodle where teachers can present their learning resources and activities to students. They can have different layouts but they usually include a number of central sections where materials are displayed and side blocks offering extra features or information.
Courses can contain content for a year’s studies, a single session or any other variants depending on the teacher or establishment. They can be used by one teacher or shared by a group of teachers.

How students enroll on courses depends on the establishment; for example they can self -enroll, be enrolled manually by their teacher or automatically by the admin.
Courses are organized into categories. Physics, Chemistry and Biology courses might come under the Science category for instance.

Teachers, students and other Moodle users
You don’t enter Moodle with the “teacher” or “student” role.
Everyone who logs into Moodle has no special privileges until they are allocated roles by the administrator according to their needs in individual courses or contexts.
Finding your way around
A logged in user can access areas of Moodle such as their courses or profile from the Navigation block and Settings block. What a user sees in these blocks depends on their role and any privileges granted them by the administrator.
Each user has their own customizable page, accessed from the My home link.
Xeois is providing implementation, customization, integration, training, support service and finally managed hosting for moodle. Xeois offers their services all across south and south east asia.

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