We recognize our clients requirement for service uptime, quick response, service level agreement, early failure detection has become a critical part their business. We help design build effective network monitoring system, by identifying critical network points, identifying service and network dependency. We provide with a solution for by monitoring system and network health for slow or failing points, and create notification on warning and outage with escalation matrix over email and sms alert and record it for reference. We also integrate it with help desk ticketing system. A subset of the network and system functions involved in systems and network management. We work with most of the industries best solution. Our solutions are either open source or proprietary and sometime hybrid based on the requirement and solutions we are designing.
We use
- Groundwork
- Nagios
- Nagios XI
- Zabbix
We do provide support on your existing implementation. Our experts will study your existing system and will provide you with the required support and service.